Travel Secrets

How to travel and stay in homes in foreign countries for free accommodation

Imagine traveling to exotic destinations around the world without spending a dime on accommodation. It may sound too good to be true, but with the right approach and resources, it’s entirely possible. In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of staying in homes for free while exploring foreign countries.

The Concept of Free Accommodation While Traveling

Traveling is an enriching experience, but accommodation costs can quickly add up, limiting the duration and frequency of trips. However, the rise of sharing economy platforms has revolutionized the way travelers access accommodations, offering unique opportunities for cost-effective stays.

Benefits of Staying in Homes in Foreign Countries

Staying in homes rather than hotels or resorts provides several advantages. Not only does it save money, but it also offers a more authentic and immersive cultural experience. You get to interact with locals, learn about their way of life, and discover hidden gems that typical tourists might miss.

Staying in homes in foreign countries offers a multitude of benefits that go beyond just saving money. One of the most significant advantages is the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture in a way that hotels and resorts simply can’t provide.

When you stay with locals, you get a firsthand experience of their daily life, traditions, and customs. You may have the chance to participate in cultural activities, try authentic cuisine, and learn about the history and heritage of the place directly from those who live there.

How to stay in foreign homes for free
Austria – viena

Moreover, staying in homes often allows for more personalized experiences. Hosts can offer insider tips on the best places to visit, off-the-beaten-path attractions, and unique experiences that you won’t find in guidebooks. This local knowledge can greatly enhance your travel experience and help you discover hidden gems that are not frequented by tourists.

Additionally, staying in homes promotes meaningful connections and friendships. You have the opportunity to interact with your hosts on a personal level, exchange stories and perspectives, and build lasting relationships. These connections can lead to cultural exchanges, language practice, and even future travel opportunities as you expand your network of friends around the world.

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From a sustainability perspective, staying in homes can also have a positive environmental impact. It often involves using existing resources more efficiently, such as sharing living spaces and reducing the need for additional infrastructure like hotels. This eco-friendly approach aligns with the growing trend of responsible tourism and minimizes your carbon footprint while traveling.

Overall, the benefits of staying in homes in foreign countries extend far beyond financial savings. They offer a deeper, more authentic, and enriching travel experience that fosters cultural understanding, personal connections, and memorable adventures.

how to stay in foreign homes for free
Corfu town – Grecia

Popular Platforms for Finding Free Accommodations


Couchsurfing is a global community of travelers and hosts who offer free accommodations. It operates on the principle of hospitality exchange, where travelers stay in hosts’ homes for free, fostering cultural exchange and connections.

Couchsurfing is a popular platform that connects travelers with hosts who offer free accommodations in their homes. The platform operates on the principle of hospitality exchange, where hosts open their doors to travelers from around the world, fostering cultural exchange and meaningful connections. Here are a few examples of how Couchsurfing works and its benefits:

  1. Global Community: Couchsurfing boasts a diverse and vibrant community of travelers and hosts spanning across countries and cultures. Whether you’re a solo backpacker, a couple, or a group of friends, you can find hosts willing to accommodate you during your travels.
  2. Free Accommodations: The primary benefit of Couchsurfing is access to free accommodations. Instead of paying for expensive hotels or hostels, travelers can stay with locals for free, allowing them to stretch their travel budget further and explore more destinations.
  3. Cultural Immersion: Staying with a local host through Couchsurfing offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture. Hosts often share insights into their way of life, traditions, and local customs, giving travelers a deeper understanding of the destination they’re visiting.
  4. Personal Connections: Couchsurfing isn’t just about finding a place to stay; it’s about building connections and friendships. Many travelers and hosts form lasting bonds through shared experiences, conversations, and cultural exchanges, creating memorable moments that go beyond typical tourist experiences.
  5. Safety and Trust: Couchsurfing prioritizes safety through verification processes, reviews, and a community-driven approach. Users can read reviews from other travelers, verify their identities, and communicate with potential hosts before confirming a stay, ensuring a safer and more trustworthy experience.
  6. Local Insights: One of the advantages of Couchsurfing is gaining insider tips and recommendations from local hosts. They can suggest hidden gems, lesser-known attractions, and authentic experiences that might not be found in guidebooks, enhancing the overall travel experience.
  7. Shared Interests: Couchsurfing allows travelers to connect with hosts who share similar interests or hobbies. Whether you’re into hiking, cooking, photography, or language exchange, you can find hosts who are eager to share their passions and engage in activities together.

Overall, Couchsurfing provides a unique and enriching way to travel, offering not just free accommodations but also cultural immersion, personal connections, and valuable insights into local life. It’s a platform that promotes meaningful exchanges and memorable experiences, making it a favorite among budget-conscious travelers and adventure seekers alike.

Here are some websites where you can find communities of Couchsurfing and similar hospitality exchange platforms:

  1. Couchsurfing: The official Couchsurfing website ( is the primary platform for connecting travelers with hosts offering free accommodations. It has a robust community of users from around the world, making it easy to find hosts and join local events and activities.
  2. BeWelcome: BeWelcome ( is another hospitality exchange platform that operates on similar principles to Couchsurfing. It emphasizes cultural exchange, sustainability, and creating meaningful connections between travelers and hosts.
  3. Warmshowers: Warmshowers ( is a platform specifically designed for touring cyclists. It connects cyclists with hosts who offer free accommodations and support during their bike journeys, fostering a global community of cycling enthusiasts.
  4. TrustedHousesitters: TrustedHousesitters ( is a platform focused on housesitting opportunities. While not entirely free like Couchsurfing, it offers the chance to stay in homes for free in exchange for looking after pets and properties while homeowners are away.
  5. GlobalFreeloaders: GlobalFreeloaders ( is a community-based platform where travelers can find hosts willing to offer free accommodations. It’s a simple and straightforward way to connect with locals and experience hospitality exchange during your travels.
  6. Hospitality Club: The Hospitality Club ( is one of the oldest hospitality exchange networks, connecting travelers with hosts worldwide. It promotes cultural understanding, friendship, and affordable travel through free accommodations.

These websites provide platforms for travelers to connect with hosts who offer free accommodations, whether it’s through Couchsurfing, housesitting, or other forms of hospitality exchange. Each platform has its unique features and community, so you can explore and choose the one that best fits your travel preferences and interests.

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Housesitting Websites

Housesitting websites connect homeowners who need someone to look after their property with travelers willing to house-sit for free. This arrangement benefits both parties, with travelers enjoying free accommodation in exchange for taking care of the house and pets.

Housesitting websites offer a unique opportunity for travelers to stay in homes for free in exchange for taking care of the property and pets while the homeowners are away. This arrangement benefits both parties, with homeowners having peace of mind knowing their home and pets are cared for, while travelers enjoy comfortable accommodations without the cost. Here are some key points about housesitting websites:

  1. Homeowners’ Peace of Mind: Housesitting provides homeowners with a reliable and cost-effective way to ensure their property and pets are well looked after during their absence. They can enjoy their travels knowing that responsible housesitters are taking care of their home.
  2. Free Accommodations: For travelers, housesitting offers the chance to stay in homes for free, often in desirable locations such as beach houses, countryside retreats, or urban apartments. This saves on accommodation costs and allows for a more immersive travel experience.
  3. Pet Care: Many housesitting assignments involve taking care of pets, providing travelers with companionship and a sense of responsibility. This can be particularly appealing for animal lovers who enjoy spending time with furry friends while traveling.
  4. Longer Stays: Unlike traditional accommodation options like hotels or vacation rentals, housesitting often allows for longer stays, ranging from a few days to several weeks or even months. This enables travelers to truly settle in and explore the local area at a relaxed pace.
  5. Cultural Exchange: Housesitting can also facilitate cultural exchange and local connections. Homeowners may offer tips on nearby attractions, restaurants, and activities, allowing housesitters to experience the destination from a local’s perspective.
  6. Flexible Arrangements: Housesitting arrangements can be flexible and tailored to both parties’ needs. Some housesits may require minimal responsibilities, while others may involve more extensive tasks such as gardening or house maintenance.

Here are some websites where you can find housesitting opportunities:

  1. TrustedHousesitters: TrustedHousesitters ( is a popular housesitting platform with a large network of homeowners and housesitters worldwide. It offers a range of housesitting assignments, including those with pets and unique properties.
  2. HouseCarers: HouseCarers ( connects homeowners with reliable housesitters for short-term and long-term stays. The platform allows users to create detailed profiles and search for housesitting opportunities based on location and duration.
  3. MindMyHouse: MindMyHouse ( is a global housesitting platform that offers a wide range of housesitting assignments across different countries and regions. Users can browse listings, communicate with homeowners, and arrange housesitting stays.
  4. Nomador: Nomador ( is a housesitting and pet-sitting platform that connects homeowners with responsible sitters. The website features a variety of housesitting assignments, from countryside retreats to urban apartments, catering to different preferences.
  5. HouseSitMatch: HouseSitMatch ( is a housesitting community that facilitates matches between homeowners and housesitters. It offers a range of housesitting opportunities and allows users to communicate directly through the platform.

These housesitting websites provide valuable resources for travelers seeking free accommodations and homeowners looking for trustworthy housesitters. Users can create profiles, search for housesitting assignments, and connect with potential matches to arrange stays that benefit both parties.

Corfu Town – Grecia

Home Exchange Programs

Home exchange programs allow travelers to swap homes with others in different locations. This arrangement eliminates accommodation costs while providing a comfortable living space, often with amenities like kitchens and living rooms.

Home exchange programs, also known as home swapping, offer travelers the opportunity to exchange homes with others in different locations. This arrangement allows travelers to enjoy the comforts of a home while exploring a new destination, often at no cost other than membership fees. Here are some key points about home exchange programs:

  1. Cost-Effective Travel: Home exchange programs eliminate accommodation costs, making travel more affordable for participants. Instead of paying for hotels or rentals, travelers exchange homes with each other, saving money and enabling longer stays.
  2. Authentic Experience: By living in a local’s home, travelers experience their destination from a unique perspective. They can immerse themselves in the community, shop at local markets, and live like a resident rather than a tourist.
  3. Comfort and Convenience: Home exchanges offer the comforts of a fully equipped home, including kitchens, living spaces, and often amenities like Wi-Fi and laundry facilities. This provides a more comfortable and convenient travel experience, especially for families or longer trips.
  4. Cultural Exchange: Home exchanges facilitate cultural exchange and connections between travelers and hosts. Participants can share insights into their respective cultures, traditions, and lifestyles, fostering mutual understanding and friendship.
  5. Flexibility: Home exchanges are flexible in terms of timing and location. Participants can arrange exchanges that suit their schedules and preferences, whether for a weekend getaway, a month-long vacation, or even an extended sabbatical.
  6. Security and Trust: Many home exchange programs offer verification processes, reviews, and insurance options to ensure a secure and trustworthy experience for participants. Users can communicate directly with potential exchange partners to discuss details and expectations.

Here are some websites where you can find home exchange programs:

  1. HomeExchange: HomeExchange ( is one of the largest and most popular home exchange platforms, connecting members worldwide for house swaps. The website features a wide range of properties in diverse destinations, making it easy to find suitable exchanges.
  2. Love Home Swap: Love Home Swap ( offers a platform for both traditional home swaps and points-based exchanges. Members can browse listings, communicate with potential swap partners, and arrange exchanges based on their preferences.
  3. GuestToGuest: GuestToGuest ( is a global home exchange network that allows members to exchange homes for vacations. The platform offers a user-friendly interface, search filters, and messaging tools to facilitate exchanges between members.
  4. HomeLink: HomeLink ( is one of the oldest home exchange networks, connecting members for reciprocal house swaps. The website features a range of properties, from apartments to villas, and offers resources for safe and successful exchanges.
  5. Intervac Home Exchange: Intervac Home Exchange ( is a community-based platform that facilitates home exchanges worldwide. Members can create detailed profiles, search for exchange opportunities, and connect with like-minded travelers.

These home exchange program websites provide a variety of options for travelers seeking to exchange homes with others for cost-effective and authentic travel experiences. Members can explore listings, communicate with potential exchange partners, and arrange swaps that suit their preferences and travel plans.

Tips for Travelers to Stay for Free in Foreign Homes

  1. Create a Compelling Profile:

    Make your profile on accommodation-sharing platforms informative and engaging, highlighting your interests, travel experiences, and reasons for seeking free accommodation.

    Here is an example of a compelling profile.

    • About Me: Hello fellow travelers and hosts! I’m a passionate explorer with a love for discovering new cultures, meeting people from diverse backgrounds, and embarking on exciting adventures around the world. Traveling isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s a way of life that enriches my experiences and broadens my perspectives.
    • Travel Style: I believe in immersive travel experiences that go beyond tourist attractions. I enjoy delving into local communities, trying authentic cuisine, learning about traditional customs, and connecting with people who share their stories and insights.
    • Interests:
    • Outdoor Adventures: Hiking, camping, and exploring natural wonders.
    • Cultural Immersion: Visiting museums, attending festivals, and learning local traditions.
    • Food Exploration: Trying traditional dishes, cooking with locals, and discovering hidden food gems.
    • Art and History: Exploring historical sites, galleries, and architectural marvels.
    • Why I Love Couchsurfing: Couchsurfing embodies the spirit of travel for me. It’s not just about finding a place to stay; it’s about building connections, fostering cultural exchange, and creating memorable experiences with like-minded individuals. I appreciate the generosity of hosts who open their homes and hearts to travelers, and I’m committed to being a respectful and grateful guest.
    • What I Can Offer: As a guest, I bring positivity, respect, and a willingness to contribute to the hosting experience. Whether it’s sharing travel stories, cooking a meal together, helping with chores, or simply engaging in meaningful conversations, I strive to make each stay enjoyable and mutually rewarding.
    • Previous Experiences: I’ve had the pleasure of staying with amazing hosts and forming lasting friendships through Couchsurfing. From cozy apartments in bustling cities to serene countryside retreats, each experience has enriched my travels and left me with cherished memories.
    • Future Travel Plans: I’m currently planning my next adventures to [insert destinations], where I’m excited to immerse myself in local cultures, connect with fellow travelers and hosts, and create new experiences that inspire and enlighten.
    • Final Thoughts: I believe that travel has the power to unite people, break down barriers, and create a more compassionate world. Thank you for considering me as a guest, and I look forward to connecting with wonderful hosts and sharing unforgettable moments together!

      Feel free to customize this profile based on your own preferences, experiences, and travel style!
  2. Build Trust with Hosts:

    Communicate clearly with potential hosts, sharing your travel plans, expectations, and how you can contribute to their home or pets’ care.
    • Building trust with hosts is essential when using accommodation-sharing platforms like Couchsurfing, housesitting websites, or home exchange programs. Trust forms the foundation of positive and rewarding experiences for both hosts and guests. Here are some key aspects of building trust with hosts:
    • Clear Communication: Open and honest communication is key to building trust. Clearly communicate your travel plans, expectations, and preferences with potential hosts. Discuss any concerns or questions you may have upfront to ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay.
    • Complete Profile: A well-crafted and complete profile enhances trustworthiness. Include information about your interests, travel experiences, and reasons for using the platform. Add photos that showcase your personality and interests, helping hosts get to know you better.
    • Verification: Many accommodation-sharing platforms offer verification options, such as ID verification or social media linking. Completing these verifications adds credibility to your profile and reassures hosts that you are a genuine and reliable guest.
    • Positive References: Positive reviews and references from previous hosts or guests build trust and credibility. If you have stayed with hosts before, encourage them to leave a review on your profile. Similarly, offer to provide references for hosts you’ve had positive experiences with.
    • Respectful Behavior: Show respect for your host’s home, rules, and belongings. Treat their space as you would your own, keeping it clean, tidy, and organized. Follow any house rules or guidelines provided by the host to ensure a harmonious stay.
    • Contribution and Appreciation: Be a considerate and thoughtful guest by contributing to the hosting experience. Offer to help with chores, cook a meal, or share skills or knowledge with your host. Express gratitude and appreciation for their hospitality through gestures, thank-you notes, or small gifts.
    • Safety and Security: Prioritize safety and security during your stay. Follow safety guidelines provided by the platform, such as meeting in public places for the first time or sharing contact information with a trusted friend or family member. Trust your instincts and communicate any concerns to your host or platform support.
    • By focusing on clear communication, complete profiles, verification, positive references, respectful behavior, contribution, and safety, you can build trust with hosts and create enjoyable and memorable experiences while using accommodation-sharing platforms.
  3. Be Flexible with Travel Plans:

    Flexibility is key when seeking free accommodations. Be open to adjusting your travel dates and destinations based on hosts’ availability.

    • Being flexible with your travel plans can greatly enhance your experience when using accommodation-sharing platforms like Couchsurfing, housesitting websites, or home exchange programs. Flexibility allows you to adapt to changing circumstances, seize unexpected opportunities, and make the most of your travel adventures. Here are some key aspects of being flexible with your travel plans:
    • Open Dates: Keeping your travel dates flexible gives you more options when searching for accommodations. Hosts on platforms like Couchsurfing or housesitting websites may have varying availability, so having open dates increases your chances of finding suitable hosts.
    • Alternative Destinations: Consider exploring alternative destinations or off-the-beaten-path locations. While popular tourist destinations may have high demand for accommodations, less conventional destinations often offer unique experiences and opportunities for affordable stays.
    • Last-Minute Opportunities: Stay open to last-minute opportunities or spontaneous travel decisions. Sometimes hosts post availability on short notice, and being flexible with your plans allows you to take advantage of these opportunities for free accommodations or house swaps.
    • Adjusting Itineraries: Be willing to adjust your travel itinerary based on host availability or unexpected changes. Flexibility allows you to accommodate hosts’ preferences and schedules, fostering positive relationships and making your stay more enjoyable.
    • Shorter or Longer Stays: Consider varying the duration of your stays to fit hosts’ availability and preferences. Some hosts may prefer shorter stays, while others may be open to longer-term arrangements. Being flexible with your stay duration increases your chances of finding compatible hosts.
    • Exploring Local Recommendations: Embrace local recommendations and suggestions from hosts. Being flexible with your plans allows you to explore hidden gems, participate in local activities, and discover authentic experiences recommended by your hosts.
    • Traveling Off-Peak: Consider traveling during off-peak seasons or weekdays when accommodation availability may be higher. Being flexible with your travel timing can lead to more options for accommodations and potentially lower costs.
    • Backup Plans: Have backup plans in case your initial accommodations fall through or if unexpected changes occur during your travels. Being flexible allows you to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and find alternative solutions.

      By maintaining open dates, considering alternative destinations, embracing last-minute opportunities, adjusting itineraries, varying stay durations, exploring local recommendations, traveling off-peak, and having backup plans, you can be flexible with your travel plans and maximize your experiences while using accommodation-sharing platforms. Flexibility opens doors to new opportunities, fosters positive interactions with hosts, and enhances the overall enjoyment of your travels.

Safety Considerations When Staying in Strangers’ Homes

While free accommodations offer incredible opportunities, safety should always be a priority. Research hosts thoroughly, read reviews from other travelers, and trust your instincts when choosing where to stay.

Real-Life Experiences of Travelers Who Stayed for Free

Many travelers have shared inspiring stories of their experiences staying in homes for free. From forging lifelong friendships to discovering hidden local gems, these experiences highlight the transformative power of free accommodations.

Here are some websites and forums where travelers have shared real-life experiences and tips on free accommodation:

  1. Couchsurfing Forums: Couchsurfing ( has forums where travelers share their experiences, tips, and recommendations related to free accommodation. The “General Hospitality” and “Experiences” sections often feature stories and insights from Couchsurfing members.
  2. Reddit Travel Subreddits: Reddit has several travel-related subreddits where users discuss free accommodation options and share their experiences. Subreddits like r/travel, r/Couchsurfing, and r/hitchhiking often have threads dedicated to accommodation tips and stories.
  3. Nomadic Matt’s Travel Blog: Nomadic Matt ( is a popular travel blogger who frequently writes about budget travel, including tips for finding free accommodation. His blog features guest posts and reader stories that offer insights into free accommodation experiences.
  4. Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Forum: The Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Forum ( is a community forum where travelers discuss various travel topics, including accommodation options. The “Accommodation” section may include discussions and stories related to free accommodations.
  5. Budget Traveler’s Guide on Free Accommodation: Some websites, such as The Broke Backpacker (, offer guides and resources specifically focused on budget travel and free accommodation options. These guides often include real-life experiences and recommendations from travelers.
  6. Travel Blogs and Vlogs: Many travel bloggers and vloggers share their experiences with free accommodation on their websites or YouTube channels. Searching for keywords like “free accommodation experiences” or “budget travel tips” on platforms like Google or YouTube can lead you to personal stories and insights from travelers.
  7. Facebook Groups: There are Facebook groups dedicated to budget travel and free accommodation sharing. Joining these groups allows you to connect with other travelers, ask questions, and learn from their experiences with free accommodations.

These websites and forums provide valuable resources for travelers interested in free accommodation options and offer insights from real-life experiences shared by fellow travelers. Exploring these platforms can help you gather tips, advice, and inspiration for your own budget-friendly travels.

How Free Accommodation Enhances the Travel Experience

By staying in homes for free, travelers immerse themselves in local cultures, connect with welcoming hosts, and enjoy a more authentic and affordable travel experience. It allows for deeper exploration and meaningful interactions, creating memories that last a lifetime.

Here are some example situations where free accommodation enhances the travel experience:

  1. Cultural Immersion: Staying with local hosts through platforms like Couchsurfing allows travelers to immerse themselves in the local culture. Hosts often provide insights into local traditions, cuisine, and customs, creating a more authentic and enriching experience.
  2. Hidden Gems: Hosts may recommend off-the-beaten-path attractions, restaurants, and activities that are not typically found in guidebooks. Travelers can discover hidden gems and unique experiences that enhance their understanding of the destination.
  3. Language Practice: Staying with hosts who speak the local language offers opportunities for language practice and cultural exchange. Conversations with hosts can improve language skills and deepen cultural understanding.
  4. Personal Connections: Building friendships with hosts and fellow travelers fosters meaningful connections and lasting memories. Shared experiences, conversations, and cultural exchanges create bonds that go beyond typical tourist interactions.
  5. Local Expertise: Hosts often provide insider tips and recommendations for navigating the local area, including transportation options, safety tips, and must-visit landmarks. This local expertise enhances the travel experience and makes exploring the destination more enjoyable.
  6. Cost Savings: Free accommodation significantly reduces travel expenses, allowing travelers to allocate their budget to other aspects of their trip, such as dining, activities, and souvenirs. This financial flexibility enhances the overall travel experience.
  7. Comfort and Convenience: Staying in a home environment offers comforts and conveniences that may not be available in traditional accommodations like hotels or hostels. Access to amenities like kitchens, laundry facilities, and common areas enhances the comfort of the stay.
  8. Unique Accommodation: Some free accommodation options, such as housesitting or home exchange programs, provide opportunities to stay in unique properties like countryside villas, beachfront homes, or historic residences. These unique accommodations add a special touch to the travel experience.
  9. Local Insights: Hosts often share personal stories, local history, and insider knowledge about the destination. This firsthand information enriches the travel experience and provides a deeper understanding of the culture and lifestyle.
  10. Safe and Welcoming Environment: Accommodation-sharing platforms prioritize safety and provide mechanisms for verifying hosts and guests. Staying in a safe and welcoming environment enhances peace of mind and allows travelers to focus on enjoying their trip.

Overall, free accommodation enhances the travel experience by offering cultural immersion, hidden discoveries, personal connections, local expertise, cost savings, comfort, unique accommodations, local insights, safety, and a welcoming environment. These benefits contribute to memorable and fulfilling travel experiences for adventurers around the world.


Free accommodation options in foreign countries offer an exciting way to travel affordably and authentically. By leveraging platforms like Couchsurfing, housesitting websites, and home exchange programs, travelers can unlock a world of unique experiences without breaking the bank.

Unique FAQs

  1. Is free accommodation safe for solo travelers?
  • While safety measures vary, many platforms prioritize user safety through verification processes and reviews. Exercise caution and choose reputable hosts.
  • Can I find free accommodations in popular tourist destinations?
  • Yes, but availability may vary. Plan in advance and consider less conventional destinations for better chances.
  • Are there any costs associated with using accommodation-sharing platforms?
  • Some platforms may charge membership fees or transaction fees, but staying with hosts is typically free.
  • What are some etiquette tips for staying in someone’s home for free?
  • Respect hosts’ rules, clean up after yourself, and communicate openly about expectations.
  • How can I make the most of my free accommodation experience?
  • Embrace cultural exchange, be respectful, and show gratitude to your hosts for their hospitality.

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